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Happy 2016!

Happy New Year, friends!  Did you know that New Year’s Eve is my favorite holiday? It’s true.  My husband and I got married on New Year’s Eve.  A new year, beginning our new life together.  I love all the cheesy countdowns and looking back at all the memories and milestones.  Have you seen the idea where you write little things down that you want to remember and put them in a jar and pull them out one by one on NYE?  Right up my alley.  I’m hoping to start that as a new tradition with the boys this year.

2015 was an incredible year for so many reasons.  We became a family of four. We bought our first home. I launched this website! haha. But that’s not why I’m here right now.  I’m not writing about looking back.  I want to talk about looking ahead.  I’m not really one for resolutions.  But as a stay-at-home (work on a very part-time basis) mom, I have found myself needing and craving goals.  As I began setting both personal and business goals for 2016 (stay tuned for those in a later post!), I realized that there was a common theme. So, I decided that I would choose a word for 2016.  A word to define this time, to motivate me.  A word to come back to if I ever feel a little bit lost.

My word for 2016 is trust.

I want to trust myself more as a mother. Not that I don’t trust my instincts already, but I’m talking about having faith that I’m doing a good job. Giving myself a little more grace and trusting that everything I do right matters more than the times I (inevitably) mess up. 

I want to trust myself more when it comes to my photography business. I’ve been doing this part-time for a while now, and although I’m not ready (or sure I would even want) to make it a full-time gig, there are some changes I’ve been wanting to implement. I need to trust myself to take those risks and try some new things.

If you know me at all, you know that I’m a little ( or a lot ; ) ) Type A. With that, I also just want to trust more in general. Take some things off my plate. Trust others to make decisions. Trust that it’ll all work out.

I’ve realized I need to trust time.  I need to believe and know and remind myself that this is just a season in my life.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love being a mom.  I love my boys.  But having a two-year-old and an infant is hard.  And I don’t get a lot of sleep.  And I don’t have a lot of time to do a lot of things that I want to do.  But it’s not going to always be like this.  I know one day I will look back and miss the way they want and need me now. I am going to miss little hands grabbing at me.  I am going to miss being buried in babies as they nap on me.  I need to trust that there is a time for everything. And I need to trust that one day my children will sleep and I will not die waiting for it to happen : )

So, here’s to trust. And to 2016.  What’s your word?


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