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we are officially tampa residents!

you guys, I googled “what are people called who live in Tampa?” and the only thing that came up was “Tampanians”. I’m not sure how I feel about that, so as you can see, I just left it out of my title.  But the important thing is — we made it!  Here we are, pretty much unpacked except for the stuff that we probably won’t need until we find a permanent home.  There is a big stack of boxes in the spare room all labeled “decorative”.  I am kind of sad to still be looking at blank walls, but we’ll get there.  I’m glad we made this step, and now that all of the undesirable tasks are (mostly) out of the way, I’m ready to work on making Tampa our new home.

I haven’t had a ton of time for my photography with this big change (surprise surprise), and I’ve been trying to take advantage of the few weeks Travis has had off until he starts his new job.  But I’d really like to get caught up on posting my Project 52 and First Home photos.  I also took an amazing photography workshop right smack in the middle of our move, and I’m so excited to get back to it after all I took in.  More soon. <3

moving truck_tampa family birth breastfeeding women photographer -1moving truck_tampa family birth breastfeeding women photographer -2moving truck_tampa family birth breastfeeding women photographer -4moving truck_tampa family birth breastfeeding women photographer -3moving truck_tampa family birth breastfeeding women photographer -6moving truck_tampa family birth breastfeeding women photographer -7moving truck_tampa family birth breastfeeding women photographer -8moving truck_tampa family birth breastfeeding women photographer -5Funny thing.  In the blur of the move, and trying to document it but not forget anything, and keep everyone feeling like their world wasn’t falling apart, I didn’t even really know I took this last photo.  Total perfection.

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